Board of Directors Approved 07/06/06
June 1, 2006

Present: Williams, Moelk, Hoteling, Curtola, Fisher, Machado, Sullivan and Hakenen. Capozzo also in attendance.

The meeting was called to order by Vice President, Williams at 6:30 p.m.

Minutes of May 4, 2006

Treasurer's Report
Received and accepted.

Committee reports were received, discussed and accepted with any action
A request was received from the greens committee to replace a sprayer from the CIF funds and to delay the purchase of a triplex mower as there is a greater present need for the sprayer. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to approve the sum of $53,000.00 for the purchase of a greens sprayer and turf truck from CIF monies. Motion passed .

Green Valley Firefighter Fundraising
Past presidents French and Koch appeared to report on their efforts on behalf of the Green Valley firefighters and their fundraising efforts. They asked if the Club was amenable to assisting in this project. Since no concrete proposal was presented, no action was taken .

Bar Supervisor
Capozzo reported on the condition of our long time employee and bar manager, Lea.
Motion was made, seconded and carried to send her an appropriate flower arrangement from the Board with our best wishes.

Phone of #8 Tee
Capozzo reported that the phone on the #8 tee will be operational before the end of the month; that the construction of the 17th green should start on the 26th of June.

Social Memberships
It was generally agreed that the Board should start informing the membership concerning the Board's exploration of social memberships by placing articles in the KEY as well as special mailings if necessary and the project should start ASAP.

On motion the meeting was adjourned at 8:02 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Hon. James F. Moelk (ret.)